
Monday, 3 November 2014

Halloween, fireworks and lots of trees..

I hope those of you who enjoy the quirks of Halloween had a superb time this year. I went out with my parents! We dressed up, and made a very eccentric and scary sight as Ghouldilocks (me), Morticia Addams crossed with Alice Cooper (my lovely stepmum) and what could only be described as a Ringmaster (Dad). It was a delight. We trooped to the village pub, had a few drinks and a dance, and came home to wipe off the makeup!

Saturday was pure joy, with delectable sunshine and a bright blue sky, so we went to Westonbirt Arboretum. The colours were really starting to change, and as there was still greenery to be found, we got a full spectrum of greens, browns, yellows, oranges, reds and pinks. Quite spectacular. Follow that with a bonfire and fireworks on a local playing field, wrapped in a scarf with a glass of mulled wine, and the day was complete.

I had a grand time playing and singing for shoppers at the Burford Garden Company yesterday, with lots of kind people coming up to chat, and got to speak to my husband via Skype after watching Downton Abbey - yes!!

How was your weekend? I'd love to know.

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