
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Exploring new ways

Happy weekend everyone! Today was very enlightening; new knowledge gleaned, new faces to talk to, shared laughter, plenty of tea, and lots of exercise for my writing muscles.

I attended a workshop entitled 'Writing for Magazines', led by a fabulous lady called Fiona Wright, and hosted by the wonderful Deb, at Retreats for You in Devon. Unfortunately I couldn't attend in person, so Fiona, Deb and four other lovely ladies very kindly entertained my cyber-face as I sat in my own kitchen, relying on Skype. It was almost as if I was there, minus Deb's amazing brownies and the Devonshire countryside.

I was pleasantly surprised by what I managed to achieve; I found that I had good ideas, some that I had been contemplating already but others that appeared through discussion with others, and planning; I left my doubts behind, and trusted that I could try to come up with some good stuff. Fiona was encouraging, intuitive and vibrant, with loads of exclusive tips to take away, and I learned about how to pitch, which is highly exciting for me!

By the time the workshop ended, we were all happily tired, and I'm so pleased that I signed up to do it. Isn't it true that sometimes all you need is a good nudge in the right direction, a bit of reassurance and some challenging exercises to get you moving along that path again? I think I had stopped to smell the roses and then forgotten the way..

How did you spend your Saturday? I'd love to know.

See you soon x


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